The benefits of having an Open House!
Why an open house?
An open house is a great way to market your home directly to buyers. Visitors can take their time walking from room to room and ask questions about the home’s features. This allows buyers to see the inside of the home in a way they can’t get from looking at HAR, ZILLOW, even online. Having an open house is a good way for you to receive great feedback about your home. You can count on at least a few of the attendees to offer their honest opinion about what they really like and dislike. As your Realtor I can collect this information at the open house and share it with you afterward. You may decide to make improvements or highlight certain amenities based on visitors’ reviews.
Some homeowners think it’s a lot of work hosting an open house. As your Realtor we will recommend a day and time that is best for you to have an open house. Never allow your agent to schedule on their time, Open house showings should always by on the seller’s schedule. Most open houses are held about 2 hours on weekends, but I would suggest having at least one open house during the week, so buyers can observe the area’s school or traffic, just something to think about.
When marketing the open house the first thing I suggest is having a broker open house, where all the real estate agents in the area come out and view the home, that’s like having a big mouth friend that tells all your business, and it’s free marketing. WOW!
So let’s just say having an Open House is an excellent way to get the word out there that you are selling your home.
In closing, on the agent side – It brings clients that are free of representation from other agents, there for bringing you an potential client, I guess you can say It’s a win – win deal and all for free marketing, the only price you paid is your time. Happy Open House!